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Ein neuer, visionärer Ansatz mit unserem Social Media Marketing Tool

Steigere die Reichweite und das Engagement in den sozialen Medien mit einer neuen, zukunftssicheren Methode, um sowohl interne als auch externe Kollegen mit eurer Marke zu erreichen.

So funktioniert’s
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Wie Helan seine Social Media Performance verbessert

Helan verwendet aktuell Ambassify, um Beiträge in den sozialen Medien zu optimieren und mehr Engagement und Impressionen zu erzielen. Mit unserem Social Media Marketing Tool kannst du in kürzester Zeit Kampagnen für deine Mitarbeiter erstellen.

Kundenbericht herunterladen
Vertrauen führender Unternehmen
  • volvo_logo_grey
  • SwissLife-logo
  • helvetia
  • allianz_grey

Vertraue auf ein umfassendes Social Media Sharing Tool, um Conversions zu steigern

Hast du Schwierigkeiten, mehr Engagement für eure Beiträge in den sozialen Medien zu bekommen? Nutze die Macht deiner Mitarbeiter, um mehr Likes, Kommentare und Shares für eure Inhalte zu erhalten und die Conversions auf eurer Webseite zu steigern.

Impressions mit Social-Shares maximieren

Ermutige deine Mitarbeiter dazu, mehr und mehr Inhalte eures Unternehmens zu teilen, um das Beste aus jedem Beitrag herauszuholen. Erlebe, wie Klicks, Besucherzahlen und Conversions von den sozialen Medien auf eurer Website zunehmen.

Engagement in Social Media Kampagnen steigern

Nutze die Social Media Netzwerke und Verbindungen eurer Ambassadors, um das Engagement zu steigern. Mit Ambassify kannst du neue Trends entdecken & verfolgen und API-gestützte Einblicke gewinnen.

Erweitere deine Reichweite auf ein neues Online-Publikum

Social Media Plattformen verringern die Reichweite von Seiten, aber durch das systematische Teilen eurer Inhalten durch Mitarbeiter können Kontakte zweiten und dritten Grades erreicht werden, die weit über die Follower-Basis hinausgehen.

Werfen wir gemeinsam einen Blick auf deinen Fall

Egal, ob eure Ideen noch in den Kinderschuhen stecken oder bereits ausgereift sind, wir schauen uns deinen Fall gemeinsam an. Wir zeigen dir, wie das Social Media Marketing Tool von Ambassify einen relevanten Beitrag für euch leisten kann.

One Happy Customer

What do you like best about Ambassify?

The platform is quite user-friendly, very easy to use, and...

What do you like best about Ambassify?

The platform is quite user-friendly, very easy to use, and works well and fast. It also offers some unique and/or valuable features for sharing different kinds of content and entice advocates to participate and engage with it.

What do you dislike about Ambassify?

What we'd like to see improved is the range of functionalities to onboard new employees to be advocates. We want to incentivize engagement and participation amongst our employees but it is a tricky thing to entice them to be advocates in the first place, so I wish Ambassify could help us more with that.

Recommendations to others considering Ambassify:

I love how easily we can share many different kinds of content on the platform: it is super easy to use, so all it takes is a few minutes, and it all comes to life. On top of that, the platform allows you to share different kinds of content, and not only a selected few formats. It has cool features we haven't seen anywhere else, and it's simple to use, so employees don't need training or anything; a few minutes are all it takes to get the hang of it. With Ambassify, we can quickly and efficiently reach out to our employees to interact with our branded content. A few more functionalities to incentivize engagement among the employees would be nice to see, and it might help a lot in generating and stimulating engagement.

In general, our experience has been more than positive. If we have a problem, all it takes is a message to customer support, and we're all set: they're swift and helpful when they take time to answer our questions, and that's definitely a plus.

What problems is Ambassify solving and how is that benefiting you?

I love how easily we can share content on the platform: it's the easiest thing to use, so it really doesn't feel at all like extra work, you know, you can just browse the community a bit and when there are new campaigns up it's really easy to participate and reshare interesting and relevant content. interaction is simple and that's very important for us because we don't want that to be an obstacle to those who want to be active on the platform. The platform is also sound, works well, and has really cool features (including gamification). One more thing we really appreciate about Ambassify is the customer support; they are super helpful every time and are super quick to respond if we need something, so every doubt or bug is fixed very efficiently.

Very Useful platform to connect and engage with our employees

What do you like best about Ambassify?

On the platform, there is a wide variety of different...

What do you like best about Ambassify?

On the platform, there is a wide variety of different campaigns to keep the advocates engaged, not just social share campaigns, but also polls and votings to get their feedback. This allows the advocates to be more motivated and stay active because they can interact in a lot of different ways instead of just sharing our content on their social media profiles.

What do you dislike about Ambassify?

The management of the rewards is sometimes time-consuming because there isn't an export function yet when you are handling the reward requests. Another reason why, is the fact that you can’t notify your advocates directly from the platform to keep them posted.

What problems is Ambassify solving and how is that benefiting you?

Our goal was to get more engagement out of our employees, to get them to share their ideas and opinions with us, to participate and share in our content. With Ambassify this is very easy and quick to do: the platform makes it very easy for us to propose different kinds of interaction and thus gather input from the advocates and share company messaging with and through them. The fact that they not only share company-related content but also see their input and ideas being listened to and used by us also helps us boost our branding, which is another goal we had set for ourselves.

Ambassify is a great tool for us

What do you like best about Ambassify?

The platform is easy to get a grip on, very user-friendly.


What do you like best about Ambassify?

The platform is easy to get a grip on, very user-friendly.

Their support is top notch, always available to help.

The reporting dashboards give a lot of insights on the results of the campaigns.

I think a big win is how fast and straightforward setting up and launching a campaign is. Which is not only very helpful to keep content and campaigns very topical but also facilitates the buy-in as you're not spending a huge deal of time in the platform, yet the results are there.

What do you dislike about Ambassify?

They push frequent updates to their reporting and metrics dashboards, which makes for a bit of a learning experience each time. But ultimately you do get more and better insights so that's actually a good thing.

What problems is Ambassify solving and how is that benefiting you?

We are able to share our news, campaigns and products with a broader audience than we would be able to reach with our own social channels. We also get our employees more involved in the things we do.

The thing I appreciate most about Ambassify, is their support. Assistance is almost immediate and should the issue require some more time to figure out, they will update you frequently. The platform itself is very intuïtive which makes it not only pleasant to work with, but fast as well. This allows us to launch campaigns in a moment's notice, right after meetings or when urgency is key. Also, the reporting really allows us to see how many people we reach through our ambassadors, which makes the brand awareness increase more tangible. Overall I think Ambassify is a great platform for us, especially because we have a lot of decentralized teams which we can keep in the loop effortlessly.

Neues Social Media Wachstumbeginnt mit dieser Ambassify-Demo

Die Funktionen von Ambassify erleichtern dir dein Leben als Social Media Manager

Ambassify ist bekannt für seine große Auswahl an einzigartigen und ausgezeichneten Sonderfunktionen
Entdecke einen kleinen Vorgeschmack unseres Angebots. Kontaktiere uns, wenn du die gesamte Produktauswahl entdecken möchtest.

Erschaffe eine Community, die für euch funktioniert

Bringe deine Mitarbeiter in einer Online-Community zusammen, in der sie auf Kampagnen zugreifen & mit ihnen arbeiten können, sogar von MS Teams aus. Soll es Spaß machen? Aktiviere die Gamification-Optionen mit den Leaderboards.

Nativ auf allen großen Social Media Plattformen teilen

Mit Ambassify können deine Mitarbeiter jederzeit Zero-Click-Inhalte auf sozialen Medien teilen — von Bildern über Artikel und Links bis hin zu Videos. Warum? Um besser abzuschneiden und die Wirkung und Ergebnisse jedes Beitrags zu maximieren.

Erstelle Kampagnen in wenigen Klicks mit unserem Builder

Der intentionsbasierte Kampagnen-Builder von Ambassify führt dich auf Basis der gewünschten Interaktion schnell zur richtigen Kampagne. Die Bearbeitung der Kampagnen ist ebenso einfach und erlaubt Anpassungen während der Laufzeit.

Ambassify hat für jedes Anliegen eine passende Funktion

Ambassify bietet ständig neue Funktionen, um dir die Arbeit zu erleichtern und gleichzeitig die Advocacy Bemühungen deiner Mitarbeiter zu unterstützen und eure gesamte Marketing-Performance in den sozialen Medien zu verbessern.

Smart Scheduling für bessere Ergebnisse

Plane einen Social-Media-Beitrag automatisch, damit genau dann geteilt wird, wenn eure Zielgruppe sich am ehesten dafür interessiert.

Videos nativ online teilen

Teile Zero-Click-Videos auf sozialen Medien direkt von der Plattform aus und sorge so für mehr Engagement.

Social Shares automatisch verifizieren

Bei vielen anderen Plattformen muss manuell überprüft werden, ob eine Kampagne geteilt wurde. Ambassify verifiziert dies automatisch.

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