What people say about Ambassify
Find out what our customers and partners say about us and why they love our platform.
“There is also a team always ready if I have questions or if I am struggling with something. I can always get in touch very quickly with Ambassify, and they are always super fast in finding a solution."
— Kjell Coel, Allianz
"When I have a problem or a question, the super team at Ambassify gives me a quick answer or advice."
— Igor Lenow, Orange
"Something I found very appealing right from the start is Ambassifys flexibility regarding our customization needs, including element removal, workflow adaptation, interface adaptations, and white-label options."
— Lennart Crossley, Swiss Life Germany
"The platform is also straightforward to use and user-friendly - it really takes a couple of clicks for Ambassadors to share content, and that's very important for us because we don't want to make it troublesome to share our news."
— Inge Govaerts, Barco
"I like that our marketing team creates fun social media posts to share on our own platforms. This way, we share amazing things about our employer with our own network."
— Lore V. Unique
"Their excellent technology and customer care enabled us to turn our ProudNewi community from a content hub to a multi-purpose employee advocacy platform."
— Youri Jozee, Renewi
"It's quick, the content is ready to post - one click away - and on top of that everthing is smartly scheduled to optimize the reach of your message."
— Julie L., Unique
“For us, Ambassify is the most efficient way to help partners without taking up much of their time. With three clicks, content is published on Facebook or Instagram. It’s flexible and simple.”
— Fien De Clercq, Modular Lighting Instruments
"What also makes Ambassify truly unique is the exceptional quality of its team. They're always ready to help, providing quick and efficient answers to any questions or concerns."
— Maïté Scorey, Actito
"Ambassify helps us regularly dig deeper and get valuable, segmented usage insights. The in-built, filter-based emailer makes it extremely easy to reach target groups."
— Lennart Crossley, Swiss Life Germany
“The product itself has helped us to get the visibility that we wanted to claim for ourselves on a larger scale. We announced two partnerships so far, and we’ve gotten enormous visibility thanks to Ambassify.”
— Kjell Coel, Allianz
"We are now tracking our KPIs more closely, and we have noticed that we have leads coming in through Ambassify.”
— Sven Bally, Alpega
"By activating employee ambassadors, we can put a face to our brand, which has a big impact."
— Noémie Léonard, P&V Group
"It's really nice to see that a lot of our employees are really proudof our news and want to share our campaigns a lot with Ambassify!”
— Lore Kurrels, OMP
“Both the front- and back-end of the platform are very good. Once you understand how it works, everything is easy and, most importantly, quick to do."
— Alexandra Dhooghe, Securex
“What I find the easiest to work with is that I can really segment the different types of ambassadors in several groups so they don't see each other's content. And I can really tailor-make their content, so that's really easy in Ambassify”
— Kim Flossy, KRAMP
"We are super happy and it's really fun to work with Ambassify. We have created a positive community feeling so employees find it nice to see and share their content and engage with other colleagues.”
— Sara Walraven, Liantis
"Today, we have a page growing 150% month after month, just through amplification. A message we posted from the page would get 200 views. Today, it's more like 1,500 or 2,000 views."
— Jonathan Wuurman, Actito
"Ambassify stands out not only for its advanced features and easy integration with social networks but also for its user-friendly interface and user experience-focused approach, backed up by an exceptional team."
— Maïté Scorey, Actito
"Not only can we spread professional images and posts from our company to the world, but we also don't have to worry about our posts being written in a wrong or weird way."
— Jeroen H., Unique
“In my experience, it doesn’t make a difference if people are familiar with social media tech. We have a broad variety of jobs, and those who have little connection to social media there can easily access the platform and just find their way”
— Lotte Moors, Infrabel
“We are definitely gaining more visibility. We see that some of our colleagues who are regularly on LinkedIn and Instagram are generating a lot of buzz."
— Mathijs Vandendriessche, Modular Lighting Instruments
"The mobile app was another big plus point, too, because agents can access it at any time on their phones, making it feel less cumbersome."
— Noémie Léonard, P&V Group
"The Ambassify Marketing platform is a useful solution with a lot of potential. We use this to easily set up user-generated-content campaigns and continuously work with them."
— Kevin Dillaerts, Microsoft (Xbox)
"After 6 years of working with Ambassify we have no regrets about this choice. And we realize day after day that that was the right choice."
— Tanja Piessens, Unique
"Our Customer Success Manager, always brings really positive energy and helps us with regular check-ins and even provided the initial onboarding in French, which was a step outside of his comfort zone, but shows great commitment to us.”
— Ashley Ariana Arshad, Barry Callebaut
"Ambassify also has a fantastic support team. They are highly knowledgeable, responsive, and always go above and beyond to ensure the success of their clients."
— Niels Verstraelen, Alpega
"Ambassify is a top-notch employer branding tool that can help you get more attention on social media and turn your employees into real brand ambassadors."
— Laurens De Clercq, 4P square
"Great software tool, very user-friendly and straightforward. If you have a question/remark, the customer service is incredibly fast and helpful."
— Niels Vanacker, Belgian Nuclear Forum
"The platform is quite user-friendly, very easy to use, and works well and fast. It also offers some unique and/or valuable features for sharing different kinds of content and entice advocates to participate and engage with it."
— Judith Van Hoorde, Codit
"The platform makes it incredibly easy to use and provides a fantastic way to keep colleagues informed about new social media posts. They can simply connect their social media accounts and broadcast messages to the world with just one click."
— Sharon V., Unique
"We all know the importance of testimonials in e-commerce businesses. For our B2B gift boxes business, the amount of testimonials skyrocketed. A staggering 25% of our advocates wrote a testimonial when being asked!"
— Bérénice Dartevelde, Bongo
"We have been using the Ambassify platform for over a year now and I must admit that I really like the idea of liking-sharing-caring. The Bike Valley members are spreading our content to their social networks and we notice immediate and measurable results."
— Eleonore Dykmans, Flanders Bike Valley
"In our first year alone we got 10x return on our advocate program."
— Domien Claeys, KBC
"If you look at the engagement and conversion of the Ambassify posts, you can see that Ambassify posts score better than organic"
— Inge Govaert, Barco
"Merci à Ambassify qui nous aide dans ce challenge grâce à sa plateforme de plus en plus adaptée à la langue de chacun."
— Alexandra Dhooghe, Securex
"Ambassify is the ideal marketing tool to get more attention on social media but also to ask your employees for opinions and suggestions."
— Anne Vandorpe, Codit
"We also have regular meetings with Ambassify to set targets and give tips and tricks. This is very practical and shows that they really want it to work for our company."
— Anne Van Herck, Solvus
"Employees became more involved in the company and became more active on social media, creating bigger brand awareness for the company."
— Joana Guarda, Nipro
"We are able to track our ambassador's performance easily by the point system assigned to each campaign, which is geared to their required tasks."
— Dorothy Griffin, Surgent
"It is not only very helpful to keep content and campaigns very topical but also facilitates the buy-in as you're not spending a huge deal of time in the platform, yet the results are there."
— Sarah Giebens, Helan
"Ambassify really allowed us to deep-dive into the preferences of our employees and audience when it comes to content and engagement.”
— Ashley Ariana Arshad, Barry Callebaut
“Thanks to Ambassify, KBC employees can share content that adheres to our corporate identity. We offer them branded content to share and help them with approved messages and captions they can use on social media.”
— Domien Claeys, KBC
“I knew it was something that was going to work because people here love working for Adecco, and they are happy to receive content about Adecco in a very simple way and then be able to share it easily, too.”
— Maud Lebrun, Adecco
“It has cool features we haven’t seen anywhere else, and it’s simple to use, so employees don’t need training or anything; a few minutes are all it takes to get the hang of it.”
— Judit Van Hoorde, Codit
“Ambassify impacted not only overall reach and conversion objectives but also helped us achieve a better understanding and more insightful perspective about how digital and social media work.”
— Ashley Ariana Arshad, Barry Callebaut
"The platform is designed to be simple and straightforward, so setting up and running campaigns is hassle-free. Both beginners and experienced users can quickly get the hang of it."
— Margaux Duflu, Unique
"From a practical perspective, the mobile app turned out to be a super useful tool for the end-users as an addition to the web community."
— Patricia Pen, Nationale Lotterij
"Ambassify is a great platform when it comes to identifying your brand advocates and generating engagement."
— Marc Beenders, LRM
"We have chosen Ambassify for their process-based and future-proof approach topped by their attractive price-quality offering."
— Inge Govaerts, Barco
"The average deal size almost doubled when our ambassadors bought or referred others to our webshop, and a staggering 25% wrote a testimonial when being asked."
— Catherine Eygenraam, Bongo
"We liked that we had numerous options for getting feedback from our members and that we could easily engage with our community. Our engagement on social networks increased, and it was easy to communicate with the most engaging part of our audience."
— Paula Dumancic, Foreo
“The customer support team is exceptional, providing immediate assistance, frequent updates, and excellent service."
— Laurens De Clercq, 4P square
"Ambassify caught our eye because of the platform's user-friendliness [..] and, of course, the gamification aspect: we loved it from the beginning, but now we also know that our ambassadors truly love it, too."
— Lotte Moors, Infrabel
"It is very user-friendly, very intuitive. It's super convenient to use because you can link it to social media and immediately make a campaign in three clicks."
— Sarah Giebens, Helan
"We love the fact that the Ambassify software supports multiple languages, so we are able to communicate with our brand advocates in their own language."
— Frédéric Devos, Velux
"The user interface is super clear and in a few clicks you're able to share qualitative content. What's cool is that you can even make the content more personal by changing or adding information and that you can plan the content."
— Mairé Habets, Unique
"We can show our DNA as a company and the impact we have on society, for example, and that creates a different image of Adecco than the one you typically see in the media.”
— Kathleen Vangodtsenhoven, Adecco
"Engagement is very high, thanks to the gamification aspect. Users compete for the highest position on the leaderboard, and the cool rewards stimulate their engagement with the company and its content."
— Marcus Soulsby, Plutus
"For us the connection and engagement is the most important thing. We didn't expect Ambassify to have such a big impact."
— Dorien Jorissen, ACA Group
“Letting employees share content from the platform on social media expanded the reach of our communication rapidly, and in quite a big way as well.”
— Youri Jozee, Renewi
“Another positive thing about Ambassify is the help I get from the help desk – if I put in a question in the chat or I send an email, I get an answer within a few minutes."
— Kim Flossy, KRAMP
"Ambassify streamlines the process for employees to amplify key messages across social channels. The purpose-built platform includes versatile campaign creation, reusable content libraries, embedded social posting, robust analytics, and simplified mobile access, focusing on advocacy-specific use cases."
— John Lindsay, MegaDeals
"Super trots dat we dit partnership met Ambassify opstarten! Goesting in een ijzersterk werkgeversmerk dat door je eigen mensen wordt uitgedragen? Laat maar komen."
— Kristof Van Den Eyden
"Ambassify builds a community within the company and showcases employees who identify with the company. This is a win-win situation for both parties as employees get to build a strong personal brand on social media"
— Igor Lenow, Orange
"We really felt that Ambassify was a very powerful way of sending out all types of communication that has to do with leveraging the power of social media in general.”
— Youri Jozee, Renewi
"When I go to an event, everyone tells me: "You're everywhere on LinkedIn; we see Actito everywhere! And that's all thanks to Ambassify."
— Jonathan Wuurman, Actito
“We know that it is difficult to make people feel that they have an impact on the organization. This was almost impossible, but thanks to Ambassify, we could strengthen this feeling.”
— Dorien Jorissen, ACA Group
“Ambassify offered us more than the tool we had at the time: an opportunity to engage our ambassadors more and to have different types of content we could share, ask for their input, and schedule posts.”
— Lore Kurrels, OMP