Build a sustainability-oriented community with your workforce
Focus on engagement and inclusion with Ambassify to facilitate your social responsibility strategy and achieve your goals faster.

How Renewi celebrated World Recycling Day with the employees
They put together a bundle of educational resources comprising lectures and essays about recycling and reducing waste. Then, asked employees to share it online with their networks, putting the accent on WHY they are sharing it.

How Sodexo shared tips to promote sustainable initiatives
With this campaign, Sodexo wanted to promote WasteLess Week – a group-wide initiative to promote sustainable behaviors. This specific example is related to digital and electronic waste: they shared tips and tricks to decrease waste, all collected in a document attached to the campaign.

How Unique involved its employees in a common initiative
In honor of De Warmste Week, Unique organized a company-wide talent auction to raise money against social exclusion. Employees could auction their talents and bid on their colleagues' talents through Form and Click It campaigns. The collected money was donated to De Warmste Week.
Stimulate workforce engagement to facilitate your social responsibility efforts
Without secure, durable involvement from all levels of the organizations, CSR-related initiatives cannot take off. With Ambassify, you can generate engagement and amplify your efforts through your employees.
Generate commitment to good causes among employees
Let your employees work together toward common goals by setting up community goals based on the SDGs you're interested in.
By visualizing the progress of each goal, you will generate community-wide engagement and commitment, prioritizing your good causes as goals for your ambassador community.

Accurately translate actions into real-life impact and track gains
Ambassify offers built-in tailored reporting that translates interactions on the platform into real-life impact that can be used to incorporate into your CSR report.
Here, you can track gains based on the SDG or ESG framework as well as the engagement by tag and for every campaign by assigning tags to each new campaign.
Set up concrete actions and amplify your sustainable initiatives
Launch different initiatives by making campaigns out of them to involve and engage your employees in the social commitment of your company.
have them share your initiatives and social engagement with their networks on social media to amplify your voice and raise awareness.

Sustainably reward employees through donations
When you activate gamification on the platform, you can add rewards to recognize your employees. these can be configured based on what fits your company culture and goals.
partner up with organizations to include donations for this or that good cause and raise awareness among your workforce.
Want a real-life example?
See how our clients built a sustainability-oriented community
How Unique collected money for De Warmste Week
Find out how Unique launched a community-based talent auction using ad-hoc Ambassify features to raise money for De Warmste Week and support their cause against social exclusion.
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