Ambassify Blog Posts

Newsletter: HR Excellence, Webinars and Sustainability

Written by Camilla Brambilla Pisoni | March 02, 2023

We got nominated for the HR Excellence Awards!

We are so incredibly proud and honored to have been nominated for the HR Excellence Awards for Best Employee Engagement & Rewards company!

We obviously couldn’t have done without the amazing team behind us, of course! We are so proud, so another big thanks to the HR Excellence Awards for the nomination!

Did someone say, German webinar?

Second up on the list, is the exciting news of our upcoming webinar in German, “Corporate Ambassadors: a puzzle worth solving”. Or, should I say "Corporate ambassadors: ein Rätsel, das sich zu lösen lohnt"?

the first iteration will take place on March 8, at 11:15 am CEST, but you can regularly join it month after month because we're making it a recurring webinar!

Every webinar will be held by Nils Hölscher: German native and ready to take you on an in-depth journey about employee advocacy and engagement. 

The main topics he’ll cover include how to install a successful advocacy program in your company, how to measure success, and how to boost your employer & corporate branding in the process!


Ambassify & sustainability go hand in hand

You may know by now that Ambassify has been evolving and learning how to make our initiatives live and breathe sustainability.

You’ll be happy to know that we are now fully equipped to make the lives of sustainability managers and leaders THAT much easier. We could use an entire newsletter just to take you through all the news we have to share around this topic, but let us just tease something to you right now:

  • If the news of our German webinar piqued your interest, then you’re in for a treat because we’re working on a webinar series that is all about sustainability!

  • We’ve also created a sustainability-specific use case focused on employee engagement as a gateway to sustainable responsibility in companies.

  • We’ve given our rewards section a nice and fresh makeover, by adding some donation rewards to support socially and sustainably engaged organizations such as The Ocean Cleanup, NatuurPunt, and CAMFED

  • To close off with a little cliffhanger, here’s another piece of news: our team is currently working behind the scenes to bring to you a new and exciting event 🙊 Can you guess what it is?

Want to find out more? Then make sure to catch us in our next video newsletter!